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Priory School

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Requesting term time absence


Absence requested during term time


We do not authorise any holiday during term-time, in line with Local and National Government guidance and due to unacceptably high levels of pupil absence in recent school years.


The school holidays must be used to visit families or to go on holiday.


If you still wish to request a leave of absence, you must fill in the form below. Hard copies can be handed into the main office. Electronic copies can be emailed to

The request for your child to miss learning will then be reviewed by the Deputy headteacher in charge of Inclusion. A standard response will then be sent outlining if the absence has been authorised or not.


Please refer to our attendance policy to see which “special” or “exceptional” circumstances may be considered for authorisation.

Please read Slough’s Penalty notice poster when considering taking your child out of school.