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Priory School

Curiosity. Hope. Opportunity. Trust.

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Ofsted and Performance Data

Pupils at Priory achieve good outcomes



Our KS2 data is in line or better than national averages in most areas. We have a significant number of pupils accessing our SEND unit and Resource bases and therefore reviewing this data without this group is more comparable to a typical mainstream with SEND cohort. 


Our pupils start school with low starting points. This is evident in the baseline assessments and in the number of children achieving GLD (Good Level of Development). Our GLD outcomes tend to be lower than the national average. This is due to a number of factors, many children come to school below age related expectations particularly in the area of communication and managing feelings and behaviours, we tend to have a large group of children who have complex SEND needs and are waiting for an EHCP. 


As children progress through our school the gap between national averages reduces showing that pupils are making better than expected progress and many pupils who had been below age related expectations are no longer so far below or below at all. By the time children leave us in Year 6, our pupil outcomes are in line with or better than national average.


The curriculum is balanced, broad and challenging. It has been carefully sequenced and developed with our pupils in mind.  SLT monitoring and learning walks show that pupils are engaged by the curriculum and have plenty of opportunities to record their work, revisit core skills and broaden their understanding of their world through knowledge.


Pupils leave Priory as well rounded, kind, determined individuals, many of whom have received values badges that demonstrates their commitment to school life. Our pupils are well behaved and respectful of each other, our suspensions are minimal and used as a last resort. Learning walks show consistent behaviour for learning in classrooms, opportunities for pupils and staff to develop trusting and meaningful relationships.


The range of opportunities and support on offer to our pupils in this school is exceptional because of the wide ranging talents, skills and diverse needs we have in this school. We aim to provide everyone with some form of support or enrichment based on their needs, children identified with a disadvantage are making better than expected progress and the academic gap between them and their non disadvantaged peer is reducing.  Our pupils with SEND also do well, mainstream SEN support pupils make at least expected progress. For those children who have an EHCP we can track progress through the outcomes on their plan and ensure that all children are receiving the best possible intervention support and experience they can.


Pupil voice is strong in Priory and they tell us that they want to be in school, they are proud of their school. This school has a strong sense of community and culture and we regularly bring the whole school community together to reinforce our school values and enhance that sense of belonging.

This is a link to a video that reflects the heart of our work at Priory School.


The video highlights how we interpret and use school data, focusing on the progress and success of all our pupils, including those with complex needs. It explains the context behind our data outcomes and showcases how our inclusive approach ensures every child is valued and supported to achieve their best.


I encourage you to take a few minutes to watch it



Pupils enjoy school and enthuse about the many interesting curriculum-enrichment activities offered. Throughout the school, relationships are warm and supportive. Classrooms are purposeful and there is a positive climate for learning.


March 2019, Ofsted Inspection


Priory’s latest Ofsted report and previous reports can be found on the Ofsted website:

