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Priory School

Curiosity. Hope. Opportunity. Trust.

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Ofsted and Performance Data

Pupils at Priory achieve good outcomes



Our KS2 data is in line or better than national averages in most areas. We have a significant number of pupils accessing our SEND unit and Resource bases and therefore reviewing this data without this group is more comparable to a typical mainstream with SEND cohort. 


Our pupils start school with low starting points. This is evident in the baseline assessments and in the number of children achieving GLD (Good Level of Development). Our GLD outcomes tend to be lower than the national average. This is due to a number of factors, many children come to school below age related expectations particularly in the area of communication and managing feelings and behaviours, we tend to have a large group of children who have complex SEND needs and are waiting for an EHCP. 


As children progress through our school the gap between national averages reduces showing that pupils are making better than expected progress and many pupils who had been below age related expectations are no longer so far below or below at all. By the time children leave us in Year 6, our pupil outcomes are in line with or better than national average.


The curriculum is balanced, broad and challenging. It has been carefully sequenced and developed with our pupils in mind.  SLT monitoring and learning walks show that pupils are engaged by the curriculum and have plenty of opportunities to record their work, revisit core skills and broaden their understanding of their world through knowledge.


Pupils leave Priory as well rounded, kind, determined individuals, many of whom have received values badges that demonstrates their commitment to school life. Our pupils are well behaved and respectful of each other, our suspensions are minimal and used as a last resort. We have had no permanent exclusions. Learning walks show consistent behaviour for learning in classrooms, opportunities for pupils and staff to develop trusting and meaningful relationships.


The range of opportunities and support on offer to our pupils in this school is exceptional because of the wide ranging talents, skills and diverse needs we have in this school. We aim to provide everyone with some form of support or enrichment based on their needs, children identified with a disadvantage are making better than expected progress and the academic gap between them and their non disadvantaged peer is reducing.  Our pupils with SEND also do well, mainstream SEN support pupils make at least expected progress. For those children who have an EHCP we can track progress through the outcomes on their plan and ensure that all children are receiving the best possible intervention support and experience they can.


Pupil voice is strong in Priory and they tell us that they want to be in school, they are proud of their school. This school has a strong sense of community and culture and we regularly bring the whole school community together to reinforce our school values and enhance that sense of belonging.


School evaluation and priorities summary for the year 2023 - 2024


Last inspection – March 2019, outcome Good.

Areas to improve:

  • SLT to strengthen oversight of behaviour and reduce exclusions
  • Improve pupil attendance and reduce persistent absence
  • Disadvantaged pupils to make rapid progress and close the attainment gap.

What do we need to do to get Outstanding:

  • Improve the outcomes for pupils in the school to be in line with national data (achievement, behaviour and exclusions, progress, and attendance)


Summary of our School Evaluation Form


Overall effectiveness


Overall, we judge ourselves to be a good school.


Outcomes for pupils are good. When you consider our KS2 data without pupils who have been dis-applied our data is in line or better than national in most areas. We have a significant number of pupils accessing our SEND unit and Resource based and therefore reviewing this data without this group is more comparable to a typical mainstream with SEND cohort.  Our pupils start school with low starting points. This is evident in the baseline assessments and in the number of children achieving GLD. Our Good Level of Development outcomes tend to be quite significantly lower than the national average. This is due to a number of factors, many children come to school below age related expectations particularly in the area of communication and managing feelings and behaviours, we tend to have a large group of children who have complex SEND needs and are waiting for an EHCP.  As children progress through our school the gap between national averages reduces showing that pupils are making better than expected progress and many pupils who had been below age related expectations are no longer so far below or below at all. By the time children leave us in Year 6, our pupil outcomes are in line with or better than national average.


The curriculum is balanced, broad and challenging. It has been carefully sequenced and developed with our pupils in mind.  SLT monitoring and learning walks show that pupils are engaged by the curriculum and have plenty of opportunities to record their work, revisit core skills and broaden their understanding of their world through knowledge.


Pupils leave Priory as well rounded, kind, determined individuals, many of whom have received values badges that demonstrates their commitment to school life. Our pupils are well behaved and respectful of each other, our suspensions are minimal and used as a last resort. We have had no permanent exclusions. Learning walks show consistent behaviour for learning in classrooms, opportunities for pupils and staff to develop trusting and meaningful relationships.


The range of opportunities and support on offer to our pupils in this school is exceptional because of the wide ranging talents, skills and diverse needs we have in this school. We aim to provide everyone with some form of support or enrichment based on their needs, Children identified with a disadvantage are making better than expected progress and the academic gap between them and their non DA peer is reducing.  Our pupils with SEND also do well, mainstream SEN support pupils make at least expected progress. For those children who have an EHCP we can track progress through the outcomes on their plan and ensure that all children are receiving the best possible intervention support and experience they can.


Pupil voice is strong in Priory and they tell us that they want to be in school, they are proud of their school. This school has a strong sense of community and culture and we regularly bring the whole school community together to reinforce our school values and enhance that sense of belonging.


Leadership and management


School culture and community

The leadership team have worked hard with staff, pupils and parents to develop a strong vision and school community.

Our vision ‘Growing determined, courageous, kind individuals ready for life’s challenges and prepared to make a positive impact on the world they live in’ is at the heart of all we do. Our vision and values are visible and embedded into our policies and curriculum. Visitors to the school can observe the trust between staff and pupils, you can witness the children’s excitement for their learning and see the staff ignite their curiosity. Pupils will tell you about the experiences and opportunities that they have being a pupil at Priory, and everyone here has a strong sense of hope for their future and for the school.

Leaders in this school encourage courageous teaching and learning, allowing staff to take risks to inspire curiosity. We do want learning to be fun and purposeful. We aim to appoint only the most motivated and caring teachers and support staff.


Opportunities for all

We provide an excellent array of support and provision for all pupils. We meet the individual needs of each pupil, identifying the right pathway for them. This is because we have teachers and leaders with a wealth of knowledge and experience working in a variety of backgrounds that we have brought together to Priory to ensure we can offer the right support at the right time for each child.


Whatever pathway a child might need, we have it. In addition to our resource bases we have specific provisions for social and emotional needs, cognition and learning, autism, communication delays as well as specific and targeted provisions for children who wish to develop and extend their skills in a specific curriculum areas.


It takes a remarkable and extraordinary person to teach and work in this school and our staff all have the skills, the resilience, the empathy and the dedication to provide opportunities for all our pupils.

We are developing our offer of extra-curricular activities in as many skills and subject areas as we can to provide opportunities for all our children.  We aim to inspire the next generation with a range of activities for them to access.


Teacher and support staff continuous professional development

Priory School is an exceptional school that is an exciting place to be as a pupil and a teacher. We have dedicated, trained staff in a unique position to be able to truly meet the needs of all pupils. The intensive and robust CPD ensures that teachers and support staff are able to offer the best quality of teaching and learning.

Priory is unique in our approach to inclusivity, all our children access the best of a mainstream curriculum in a highly inclusive environment enabling all pupils to reach their potential. No ceiling is placed on any child, every child has the opportunity to excel in areas of strength, skill or interest whilst ensuring access to broad curriculum and accumulated knowledge.


Robust systems and procedures to ensure the school operates effectively and maximises all opportunities

The leadership team have worked to create effective processes to ensure that staff feel valued and supported ensuring wellbeing is considered and attendance is high.

In addition, we have worked to balance the school budget so that we can protect the future of the school, ensure that we use the school budget to effectively provide appropriate and relevant resources.

The site management plan is reviewed regularly to ensure that the site is being maintained to a high standard and every inch of space is utilised in the best most effective way


Our Seven Priorities for the year 2023


  1. Improved outcomes particularly those identified as DAP, through curriculum and teaching
  2. Teaching and learning of reading and writing
  3. EYFS curriculum and reading
  4. Behaviour principles
  5. Attendance
  6. School community, culture and diversity
  7. Efficient work force and site management





Pupils enjoy school and enthuse about the many interesting curriculum-enrichment activities offered. Throughout the school, relationships are warm and supportive. Classrooms are purposeful and there is a positive climate for learning.


March 2019, Ofsted Inspection


Priory’s latest Ofsted report and previous reports can be found on the Ofsted website:




The summary of the school’s self-evaluation summary (SEF) and priorities can be found here: