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Priory School

Curiosity. Hope. Opportunity. Trust.

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Priory Friends

Welcome to Priory Friends.


We are Priory Schools Parents Teachers Association and all parents of pupils at the school, all staff and others who are friends and part of our community are members. Everyone is welcome! Priory Friends is run as a charity and we organise events to bring the community together, providing fun opportunities for children and adults and to raise funds for projects which support the children and their education within the school.


We meet regularly to plan what we are going to do next with delicious refreshments provided by the school kitchen. There is a small committee who administer the charity and we are always looking for more of you to come and join us doing that. Look out for notices around the school and in the newsletter. Everything we do is for the children and the more us who get involved, the more we can do to support them. Our big event is the legendary Xmas Fair in December which is terrific fun for all. Other events include a Halloween cake sale, a stall at the Summer Fair and the regular pre-loved uniform sales. 


Our next fund raising project will be identified by the pupils and the school. Watch out for news of what we’re trying to achieve and join in!