STEM Week 2024
This week, Priory celebrated British STEM Week which promotes interest in science, technology, engineering and Maths. As well as taking part in a Maths puzzle workshop, the children in every year group had the opportunity to take part in activities linked to the STEM subjects. Year 5 were even lucky enough to visit the Science Museum! We hope that this celebration of STEM has sparked the curiosity of all our children.
In Reception, we had a wonderful time exploring how things can change over time. We looked at one of our favourite snacks – apples - and used some super vocabulary to describe their appearance. Like the Very Hungry Caterpillar, we took a big bite out of the apples and then made some brilliant predictions about what we thought would happen. Aadya thought the apple would “turn brown and mouldy!” while Bani was very excited to see if we would attract any bugs. We set timers to go off so we could go and check on the apples, and we were very eager to get a closer look at what was happening! The children wrote down their predictions and displayed some fantastic drawings. The Reception teachers were very impressed by the observational skills they children showed!
For STEM week, Year 1 looked at calendars and how many days are in each month. We looked back at our work on the seasons and spoke about which celebrations are celebrated at certain times of the year. We will be putting our work together to make class calendars for 2024..

Priory School’s young scientists in Year 3 celebrate STEM Week!
S - Science
T - Technology
E - Engineering
M – Maths
The whole school celebrated STEM week from 11th March to 15th March. This year’s theme was TIME.
In Science, we made sundials, learned about different types of clocks and we learned about tardigrades who can even survive in space, Wow! We did research on dinosaurs about their appearance, habitat and how long the dinosaurs lived. When we put it all together it made a fact file.
In Maths, we did a fun escape room with cubes, dominoes and shape puzzles. As a team, we had to rebuild a large, colourful cube using smaller cubes.
Saihej, Valentino and Zainab
Year 3