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Priory School

Curiosity. Hope. Opportunity. Trust.

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Our Curriculum

Priory's Curriculum


Our vision for our curriculum is to provide an ambitious, inclusive and diverse curriculum underpinned by our school values, tailored to our pupils' needs. Ensuring that all pupils can recognise themselves in the curriculum.


Curiosity – harnessing children’s natural inquisitiveness and love

for exploration through an immersive curriculum will create active learners who never stop wanting to learn more.


Hope – building positive mental health, resilience and setting aspirational goals to make a positive impact on the world they live.


Opportunity – creating experiences and wonderful memories developing confident people who bravely seek out their own opportunities to forge their future.


Trust – investing in positive relationships to become respectful, compassionate people ready and prepared to live and make a difference to our world.


Encouraging curiosity in our school community enables pupils

to take control of their learning and allows teachers flexibility

to be effective facilitators. It opens the way for deep and

meaningful questioning, exploration, and evaluation. We instil hope to ensure that our pupils aspire to challenge and aiming high whilst supporting a positive mental health. We ensure that the curriculum provides opportunity for experiences, practice, application, and fun.  Through trusting relationships our pupils become confident, independent, and self-sufficient learners with the skills and experience they need to be responsible citizens.

To see this term's curriculum overview for each year group please see class pages.


The curriculum is under constant evaluation using the following questions to support our monitoring and review:


  • Are the units of work engaging and interesting to the pupils?
  • Have we under or overestimated their abilities skills or knowledge?
  • Are the resources age appropriate and accessible to all?
  • Are we giving pupils the opportunity to work in greater depth?
  • Are pupils producing good quality work?
  • Are we building resilience and independence?
  • Are we ensuring that pupils learn in sufficient depth to embed skills and knowledge in their long-term memory? 
  • Are we enabling pupils to articulate their learning through high quality classroom talk?



Our curriculum statement and map, which contains information on the school curriculum for each academic year in each subject, can be viewed here: