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Priory School

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Sports week Friday 24th June -Thursday 30th

We are delighted to bring you details of our sports week Friday 24th June - Friday 1st July  Please check the times and days as these differ from PE days. Students will need to wear full PE kit to school


Parents: are invited to come and watch their children and will need to enter the main field via gate 1. 

For afternoon sports days, students will be dismissed at the usual time from their class rooms. 


In each year group students will be representing their house and earn house points, the house points will be added up over the week with the winning house being announced in assembly. 

Friday 24th June Monday 27th June Tuesday 28th June Wednesday 29th June Thursday 30th June Friday 1st July 
Nursery AM 10:30Reception 9:15-10:15Year 2 & Woodlands9:15-10:30 Year 3 9:15-11:15 Orchard 9:30 -10:30Commonwealth Games all day - No Parents 
Nursery PM 1:30Year 1 1:15-2:50 Year 4 1:15-2:50 year 6 1:00-2:50Year 5 1:00-2:50 


Friday 1st  July to Friday 8th will be Priory's Commonwealth games week, Students will need to wear their PE kit to school every day, as they will be taking part in events throughout each day. Students will be working with sport coaches from, Berkshire Cricket, GDT tennis, Brentford FC,. Slough Rugby Club, Dance, Dodgeball, KS2 Archery, and many more fun games. Parents are not invited to this week.


Safety and Wellbeing

In the event that we experience extreme weather conditions, sports day times will be reduces, more shade areas will be available with plenty of drinking water on offer.

Please ensure your child has a hat and a water bottle.

Students will be dismissed from their classrooms as usual, and will not be able to be go home from the field at the end of their sports day.